Grooveshark Clone Script Download Free

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  2. Grooveshark Clone Script Download Free Pc
  3. Grooveshark Download App

Listen to any song online for free. Stream free internet radio stations. Search for free mp3's to stream. Grooveshark Clone Script Pdf. 3/31/2018 0 Comments Cracking the periodic table code answer.pdf FREE PDF. Google Book downloader script. 4 Clone from. Instead of running the autorun script. Grooveshark Downloader. Grooveshark clone surfaces one week after original website is shut down.

Posted by4 years ago

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Yeah, this sucks. We're all bummed to put it lightly. A lot of us lost years of music in a single blow. You may be able to retrieve your collection/favorites in a text dump as detailed here. Let's look forward. I want to suggest a few streaming sites I've used in addition to Grooveshark that are fantastic. They aren't the same. They don't give us Grooveshark back. But it's damn well better than nothing. Obviously Pandora, Spotify, Rdio and Rhapsody are options, some demanding cash and others severely limiting you for free services, possibly lowering the audio fidelity or limiting playback in some fashion or another. But if you can come to terms with subscriptions, they're worth looking into.


8tracks is playlist-oriented. With a minimum of 8 songs in a playlist, this site sports nearly two million man-made playlists, all tagged. You can explore tags, there's social media features, forums, you can star songs and listen to the full song or a preview depending on licensing and typically get a youtube/soundcloud link. All the information you need to pursue your starred music. You can set playback options. Limit of 2 skips per hour for the free version (possibly with paid too?). Limit of listening to the same playlist 2 times in 8 hours. You can make collections of playlists and store playlists under a Listen to it Later collection. No foreseeable shutdown with legal disputes. is electronic oriented. AI-sorted channels with whatever particular electronic subgenre you select. Accesses soundcloud with artist permission; no foreseeable shutdown for legal disputes. Offers chat features for those in the same room as you. Ties into social media outlets.

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Hype Machine pulls from music blogs. I honestly don't know as much about this one, but I understand that it features indie music that's topping the charts. If someone can describe it better, I'll edit in that description, but it's supposed to be fantastic for seeking out music blogs and discovering new sounds. Nor foreseeable legal disputes.

Grooveshark Clone Script Download Free Pc

I welcome ideas. Please bring any you think I should add in.


Deezer Alleged to handle a lot like Grooveshark. Large base of users. Demands subscription. Unavailable stateside. No foreseeable legal disputes.

Streamus is a chrome extension that was well-received on Reddit. It runs on youtube audio. You can apparently funnel in youtube playlists onto playlists you've made on it. You can search songs from youtube's library, make playlists off of it.

audiosplitter is a much simpler grooveshark clone sort of gig. Recently updated to collaborate with groovebackup in uploading your playlists onto their website, for better or worse. (edit: followed these instructions to successfully recreate my playlist to the best of youtube's ability. Rarer artist sessions fell through the cracks but the process was smooth.)


Grooveshark Download App

music 163 is the grooveshark for china, supposedly. Massive library and all that. Perfect, if you can read Chinese (presumably mandarin?)

tumbalr is fueled by Tumbl- Reddit. It takes posts from music subreddits so you go in and listen to /r/ambientmusic or /r/posthardcore, whatever strikes your fancy. resembles the broadcast feature, if not weighted down by gimmicky avatars. You join live rooms and there's a DJ controlling the music. You can put up music yourself and there's a chat feature.

tunit offers a Grooveshark-like experience with a shortened library to access.

Vibe Cloud. sports similar search functionality to grooveshark. Offers downloads instead of favorites/collections on an account. Foreseeable legal disputes. Respectable library.

Yandex.Music. is another foreign alternative for the non-english and non-caring that resembles grooveshark's on-demand selection.

Music Player For Reddit was highly voted upon on /r/InternetIsBeautiful as seen here. Its functionality strongly resembles Tumbalr but by making a free account, it allows you to channel your favorite music subreddits into a single feed. Also good for discovering new genres/music subs. (June 28th edit)

StreamSquid roughly resembles audiosplitter. Fueled by Youtube, it allows you to make an account and transfer your old grooveshark playlists to the best of Google's ability. Allows you to search tracks, browse by genre, browse by top charts/most played today, or their radio feature.


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