Hacking & Phishing This post includes. If you use the same email and Facebook password, and someone found out your Facebook password, they can log into your email.
How to Delete Your Facebook Account. Spear-Phishing Attacks: What You Need to Know. Companies are turning to anti-phishing software to detect and flag incoming attacks. In this tutorial, I am going to tell you how you can make phishing page for Facebook. We have taken an example of facebook to create a Phishing page but you can make any Social networking site phishing page by following exact steps as listed below!
Phishing emails are very popular tools for cybercriminals. They send them out relentlessly, hoping that their casted nets are big enough to reel in a few victims here and there.
Test Employees' Security Awareness with Phishing Simulation. With our platform, your company can conduct phishing simulations as an effective way to test and train employees' cyber security awareness and susceptibility to social engineering tactics, spear phishing and ransomware attacks. Phishing free download - Phishing Sweeper, Phishing Doctor, Phishing Detector, and many more programs. WhatsApp Messenger. Best Video Software for Windows Stay Private. Malicious URLs can be found in Facebook Live comments, Twitter DMs and LinkedIn InMail. Sometimes these scammers end up installing remote access software and malware on your machine in the process of ‘cleaning it’. Stay tuned for Phishing, Part 2: Staying Safe, where we’ll brief you on ways to stay safe from phishing attacks.
As usual, these opportunistic scammers craft emails and websites that look like the real deal. Recognizing these fake messages can be difficult to the untrained eye.
Take this new attack, for example. All it takes is a careless click and these criminals can take over your entire Office 365 account! Read on and see all the characteristics of this attack so you won't be the next victim.
New Office 365 phishing attack
A new phishing attack has been spotted and it is designed to steal Microsoft account credentials by sending out emails that look like email non-delivery notifications from Office 365.
Here's an image of the attack so you'll know what to look for:
Image Credit: InfoSec
The campaign was discovered by security researcher Xavier Mertens while reviewing the recent data collected by his email 'honeypots.' Note: A honeypot is a decoy computer or email account used by experts to lure and trap malware or spam attacks.
It starts with an email that pretends to be a non-delivery receipt from Office 365 saying that Microsoft found several undelivered messages in your account.
Conveniently enough, the phishing email comes with a 'Send Again' button which then pulls up a phishing page that looks exactly like the real Office 365 login tool.
But don't be fooled! It's definitely fake and its sole purpose is to steal away your Microsoft account password.
If you bite and attempt to login, an automated script on the phishing site will capture your information and will then redirect you back to the official Office 365 login page as if everything's fine and dandy.
For comparison. here's a real non-delivery receipt from Office 365:
As you can see, the official non-delivery notification simply outlines the steps to fix the problem and it does not have a link to resend the unsent emails. It's a subtle difference but it's the meat and bones of this entire phishing attack.
How to protect against phishing attacks:
This Office 365 phishing attempt is not the only one out there. Millions of phishing emails are being sent out at any given time. Here are general tips to protect yourself from these scams:

- Be cautious with links - If you get an email or notification that you find suspicious, don't click on its links. It could be a phishing attack. It's always better to type a website's address directly into a browser than clicking on a link.
- Watch for typos - Phishing scams are infamous for having typos. If you receive an email or notification from a reputable company, it should not contain typos. Take our phishing IQ test to see if you can spot a fake email.
- Use unique passwords - Many people use the same password for multiple websites. This is a terrible mistake. If your credentials are stolen on one site and you use the same username and/or password on others, it's simple for the cybercriminal to get into each account. Click here to find out how to create hack-proof passwords.
- Set up two-factor authentication -Two-factor authentication, also known as two-step verification, means that to log in to your account, you need two ways to prove you are who you say you are. It's like the DMV or bank asking for two forms of ID. Click here to learn how to set up two-factor authentication.
- Check your online accounts -The site Have I Been Pwned allows you to check if your email address has been compromised in a data breach.
- Have strong security software - Having strong protection on your gadgets is very important. The best defense against digital threats is strong security software.
How low can they go? Global charity institution scammed by hackers for $1 million

We all know hackers are not the best of people. They steal and cheat hard-working individuals, small and large businesses, and even countries. But, this newest scam has taken them to an all-time low. Scammers have recently targeted charities and stolen over a million dollars from one. This is absolutely deplorable, especially around Christmas time.
Phishing Software Download
Top 4 Download periodically updates software information of phishing full versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.
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Facebook Phishing Page
Your computer will be at risk getting infected with spyware, adware, viruses, worms, trojan horses, dialers, etc while you are searching and browsing these illegal sites which distribute a so called keygen, key generator, pirate key, serial number, warez full version or crack for phishing. These infections might corrupt your computer installation or breach your privacy. phishing keygen or key generator might contain a trojan horse opening a backdoor on your computer.