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- If you have the black Comtrend it will be an upgrade but the white CT-301 is probably just as good if you already have your own router. Aliant support is telling customers the 26 character WEP key they typically setup is secure and cannot be cracked so WPA is not needed.
- ADSL2+ Multi-port Router User’s Manual Version A3.2, November 23, 2007. Messages contained herein are proprietary to Comtrend Corporation. No part of this docume nt may be translated, tr anscribed, reproduced, in an y form, or by an y. CT-5621T supports up to 16 contiguous virtual connections, allowing for multiple.
PS3 lag « previous next. Turn off Advanced DNS Services if you have this option under Setup/Internet/Manual. Turn on DNS Relay under Setup/Networking. Setup DHCP reserved IP addresses for all devices on the router. Setup/Networking Ensure devices are set to auto obtain an IP address. Comtrend Ct 301 Manual - Free Software and Shareware. Comtrend CT-301: Comtrend CT-500: Comtrend CT-5071T. Comtrend Ct 301 Manual Lymphatic Drainage.
I have a hi-speed (vibe) connection through my ISP
I have installed SecuRemote by Checkpoint
The hi-speed connection uses a Comtrend modem
Firewall is currently on (firewall included with XP)
I have a DI-524 wireless router.
I have a Dell Desktop system.
The current issue is that when I introduce the router into my scenario, it won't perform an internet connection.
I have called D-Link to resolve the issue (2 hours of my life I'll never get back). They have said it was a modem/ISP issue. I contacted the ISP and when I did a direct connection from the modem to my network card, I was able to get an internet connection, so they said it was the router. :-) According to D-Links info on the router, it should work with a VPN.
I have checked the router logs and it seems that the PPPoE connection fails, and the router doesn't get an ip address.
My gut tells me it's an issue with the router but I have no idea what settings I need to make it work.
I need some tips on what to check for and am hoping that someone else has encountered this issue with the same setup.
Br Ct 301 Racing Pro Classical Train Series