Demo License For Uccx 7

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I have UCCX 8.51 installed on vmware workstation 7.1, and first try to install demo license and interrupted, and after that never success to logon the GUI, so no chance to install the demo license again. Any clue to solve this issue?

  1. The UCCX 9.x licenses are present. 9.x licenses will not function on 10.x systems. Only the 10.x Premium license is available. The IVR, Standard and Enhanced demo licenses should also be present on the disc. Conditions: This occurs on the UCCX 10.0, 10.5 and 10.6 installation media.
  2. Deepak Nair has been working with Contact Center Express Team of Cisco Technical Assistance Center, seeking Cisco customers and Partners in APAC Theater. He has knowledge on UCCX topic including.
  3. Bummer, no more free 150 non-expiring DLU's when installing CUCM 9 in VMWare. I hit send too fast. From what I saw, it does expire in a couple of days ( I think 90 days) but the demo license does come preinstalled. When installing CUCM 9 in VMWare, does it include a non-expiring demo license.
  4. I have UCCX 8.51 installed on vmware workstation 7.1, and first try to install demo license and interrupted, and after that never success to logon the GUI, so no chance to install the demo license again.

License will come into picture when you are performing the UCCX initial app admin setup.
I hope you have installed the UCCX OVA template before installing the UCCX on the supported UCS server. Please cross verify the same from the below link,
Also check if the ip address of the UCCX is reachable, just to confirm no network issues.

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    I have installed a Cisco content security management appliance for customer evaluation. I have downloaded 45 day demo license key but unable to update the license key neither in GUI nor in CLI. I have referred installation guide and user guide but did not helped at all.
    Snapshot from GUI

    Would suggest to re-copy and paste the XML license - as most likely you have extra white space that is causing the malform when pasting/loading. If using Windows, try avoid using wordpad --- and use Notepad++ or similar.

  • Hi,
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    SQL State: 08001
    SQL Server Error: 233
    Best Regards,
    Kafil Shumon.

    Hi Bryce,
    Thanks very much for the reply. Somehow windows firewall got enabled and that's why we were not able to connect.
    Now, I have already installed the 'Demo WebTools License' for testing at the customer site. Now, how do I go back to the Initial 'License Request' page so that a 'test server license' can be requested?
    Kafil Shumon.

  • Hi,
    Can anyone direct me to link where i can get Contact Center Express 8.5 Demo License File?

    There is a DemoLicense folder on the DVD or ISO image, this contains four license files to demo the different editions available - std, prem, enh, ipivr...
    Please rate helpful posts..

  • Hi Guys,
    I am trying installing the UCCX 9.X in VMWare machine and am searching the following problem:
    Enter a license or zip file name
    License File*
    Validating uploaded license file...
    Warning: No valid license feature lines found in the uploaded license(s).
    Validation completed.
    The license cannot be added because, either the license config repository cannot be accessed or the license is invalid. Please specify a valid product license to continue.
    The demo license was download from Cisco, and I used the license MAC to generate the license.
    Any have Idea about this issues? Where stay the config repository?

    Hi Anthony,
    Thanks a lot for your contact. Maybe I not explanated the correct problem or I didn´t understand that You said. I used the procedure that You wrote and not worked.
    I didn´t have problem to install the UCCX. This message is occurring when to do upload license.

  • Hello Cisco Support,
    I have installed Cisco Unified Contact Express on a Cisco UCS C220 M3 Server and have used the demo license that comes with the ISO Image on the server. After install, I have used the Premium Demo License. I have integrated UCCX 9.0 with CUCM 8.6(2) SU2.
    I can say that everything worked fine until I wanted to test the Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD), Cisco Supervisor Desktop (CSD) and Cisco Agent IP Phone Service.
    I am pretty much sure that the configuration on either the CUCM, UCCX is set up correctly but I might miss something.
    When I tried to fire up the CAD or CSD, I am getting the following error message: 'A licensing error has occurred. Please try again in five minutes. If the problem persists, please see your log files or System Administrator for details'. then followed by License Server is down.
    I have also setup Agent IP Phone Service on the CUCM and each time I select the Service on the IP Phone, an error stating that could not connect to the IP Phone Agent Service.
    Below is the information for my setup:
    admin:show uccx version
    Active UCCX Version:
    Inactive UCCX Version: NA
    admin:show uccx license
    Configured Licenses:
    Package: Cisco Unified CCX Premium
    IVR Port(s): 50
    Cisco Unified CCX Premium Seat(s): 25
    High Availability : Enabled
    Cisco Unified CCX Preview Outbound Dialer: Enabled
    Cisco Unified CCX Quality Manager Seat(s): 25
    Cisco Unified CCX Advanced Quality Manager Seat(s): 25
    Cisco Unified CCX Workforce Manager Seat(s): 25
    Cisco Unified CCX Compliance Recording Seat(s): 50
    Cisco Unified CCX Maximum Agents: 400
    Cisco Unified CCX Licensed Outbound IVR Port(s): 25
    For dynamic content like the Inbound ports in use and Outbound ports available and in use please check using the Cisco Unified CCX Administration.
    Command successful.
    Could you please help me out figure out what could be the cause of me failing to log onto the CAD/CSD and also IP Phone Agent Service?
    Warm regards,

    Hello Aman,
    Thanks for the link.
    How do I go about turning off the the SYN Flood Detection Mode state in Option 2 on the UCCX Server.
    Option 2: Turn off SYN Flood detection mode. Risk: Leaves the server open to SYN Flood.
    I have checked and my Windows XP SP3 computer where Cisco Agent Desktop is installed has Windows Firewall set to off at the moment.
    Warm regards,

  • hi. im trying to install uccx 8.5 in vmware for lab purposes. when i install the demo license included in the DVD, it works out fine. however when i reload the VM and try to log back to uccx, it says that there is no license installed. when i try to reupload the demo license, it generates an error. can anyone help me with this?
    thanks in advance.

    What is the exact UCCX version?
    If possible, share snapshot of error message.

  • Hey avery body
    I want to get a demo license for uccx, How I can do ??
    Best Regards

    Demo licenses are included in the DVD or ISO of UCCX. You can find them in the DemoLicense folder. There are four demo licenses. STD, ENH, PRE, and IPIVR.
    If you have an ISO image, you can extract the licenses with archiving software like 7zip or WinRAR.

  • having trouble installing ProIX on new Windows 8 machine after XP crash. Get almost ll of the way through and get an error box ... contact system support. Only way out is to abort and then it un-installs. Wondering if a licensing max issue since we didn't get an opportunity to uninstall off of crashed machine?

    Hey robr72339266,
    With a single user license, you can install Acrobat on maximum two computers, say, your laptop at work and desktop at office.
    But, you cannot use Acrobat on both the machines simultaneously.
    You will first need to deactivate Acrobat from the old machine, then install and activate the software on the new OS with the same serial key.
    Please Contact | Adobe to seek help on the same.

  • Hi,
    I tried to use Demo License for UCCX 10.0 which is in installtion Disk but I got the following error:
    'The license cannot be added because, either the license config repository cannot be accessed or the license is invalid. Please specify a valid product license to continue.'
    It's extrange the license names in installation disk are (don't ask me why):
    I' m running UCCX I already tried to upload Enh and Pre license file. I already removed the license, restarted the server and tried the wizard process again but it didn;t work. I read this post too:
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Can you get your hands on or later (SU1 is out now I believe as of 2 or 3 weeks ago)..because pre_demo is supposed to be in the same directory.

  • Hi all,
    After installation of ANM 2.0 and got a demo license I don't know how to install it. The path /opt/CSCOcbt/httpServer/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/lic does not exist, and the install program /opt/CSCOanm/bin/anm-license gives error: Error: MAC address of license does not match MAC address of eth0.
    Is there someone out there who has a clue?
    Thanks Alf

    Did you enter the correct MAC address of ETH0 when requesting the demo license?
    'Please enter below the 12 digits of the MAC address of Ethernet Interface 0 (eth0) of the server hardware on which you will be installing your Cisco Application Networking Manager software. The following command can be executed on your server to provide you with the required information.
    command> /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep -i hwaddr | sed 's/://g'
    response> eth0 Link encapEthernet HWaddr 00C09F6063D0
    In the above example, the required MAC address to enter here is:00C09F6063D0'
    If this is not correct, you should open a ticket
    Here is the procedure to install the license:
    There is a link to the Cisco TAC in case you want to request a new license due to problems.
    Here is the procedure how to install ANM.

  • Anybody else experiencing this?
    I upgraded from version 9.0.x to 10.6.1 at the end of December. It generated a Demo License (that wasn't needed) during the upgrade, which expired on Feb 27th.
    I restarted the engine on the HA node last night, and it won't start up now.
    On start-up, MCVD Log shows:
    6953: Mar 09 10:55:03.978 EDT %MCVD-LIB_LICENSE-7-UNK:General Runtime Error in using m_FlexlmParser details are : Exception=java.lang.NullPointerException
    The process stops reading/parsing licenses after this and acts like it would if it had no license.
    Good thing this wasn't my primary engine.

    That's what I ended up having to resort to. I had numerous demo licenses across the years because of rapid expansion of call volume (agent seat temp licenses to act as a bridge gap while permanent licenses were purchased and delivered).
    It ended up being caused by two demo licenses that expired on the same day, it seems.
    Just to add to your answer though... DO NOT DELETE THEM FROM THE GUI. This will put your engines out of service until all offending files are deleted, and may require a reboot even then.

  • Is there a demo license on the disc? Can someone upload it possibly?

    Got a question.
    I'm using a HP MCS 7845 server with CME 7.1 in demo license mode. Also I have 5 7960 phones. So, can I use all the features such as SRST to practice for the voice exams with the demo license ?
    Any help is always appreciated.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

  • Hi all,
    I got a CUCM Demo version from my compnay for trial before implementing CUCM 7 company wide.
    As I installed the application I had no problems, however, when I try now to access the GUI / Devices / Phones and add a phone I get this error msg :
    Add failed: [4935] allocated licenses consumed by used and pending. Please u[pload additional licenses and try again
    How can I activate the Demo license so I can add a Phone for trial purpose?
    Not sure if that is in regards to this, but if I try to start Cisco Call Manager the below error appears (Picture)
    As you can see from the Picture I have 150 licenses, but what am I doing wrong?

    As per the previous recommendation you should be able to restart 'License Manager' service under Network Services in Servicability. That should help clear the issue. If that does not help, you could open a case with Licensing and they can generate 'temporary licenses' which expire after a certain time period.
    Hope this helps!

  • Some integration tests such as CA-DMI, BC-XOM, BC-SNC,etc. can not be performed via remote-access DPA systems. To overcome this problem, vendors can install SAP software on thier own sites, by purchasing a Test&Demo license.
    Here is the information for Test&Demo license:
    IDES Test & Demo License
    It has never been easier to discover and demonstrate the world of mySAP Business Suite e-business solutions than with the Internet Demonstration and Evaluation System (IDES) with its preconfigured installation of mySAP Business Suite components, populated with the data and business processes of a fictional enterprise. This model corporation consists of several companies located around the globe with clearly defined and independent business tasks.
    Requirements: PC with moderate power and server operating system together with trained administrator to install and run SAP system.
    How to obtain: In EMEAyou can order the Test & Demo License from the Software Partner Program (mailto:[email protected]). In the Americas, please contact SAP America at mailto:[email protected]

    Hello Veeren,
    Hope this helps:
    Q. How to obtain access ?
    Just contact the ICC guys <a href=''></a> and they will help you out with this. We had a lovely experience with the consultants for our XI Content Certification.
    Q. How long does this process take ?
    In our case, it was less than a week.
    Q. What's the cost ?
    We were fortunate to do it during the promotional period and did not have to pay anything. The ICC consultant would help you with the details.
    Q. How well does the system work ?
    The system was quite fast and the access is via ITS / SAP GUI for HTML.
    Q. Do you get access to only the built-in data or you can create your own ?
    Besides the XI Server, it was an IDES system in our case and we were also able to create data.
    All the best for your certification.

Jul 22, 2016  Re: UCCX 10.x Enhanced Demo License yavuzsab Mar 2, 2015 9:34 AM ( in response to karldbrooks ) Not sure, but try using Cisco dcloud for CCX 10.x. Removing temporary, demo or invalid license files. During Appadmin login, system will complain about license expire in X days though the system has permanent license and the License MAC is. Recommended Action: Contact Cisco TAC to remove the temporary, demo or invalid license files using CET. Release: Release 8.x Associated CDETS #.

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Demo License For Uccx 7.1

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