This mod changes the color of the pistol in Doom 3 to a silver-blue color for those that don't like the standard color Instalattion: Place 'pistol_skin.pk4' file in your 'doom 3/base' directory. This is a mod with altered weapons that tried to keep the game balanced. 32 downloads. Walkthroughs, or the biggest collection of PC. This mod Done by Doomero has all of the doom 3 weapons converted to doom 2 sprites and is a pretty good looking mod from experience. It features: Doom 3 pistol Doom 3 shotgun Doom 3 double barreled shotgun Doom 3 Machine gun Doom 3 Minigun Doom 3 Rocket launcher Doom 3 flashlight (works in dark. Also a bunch of weapons. Exspiravit Jan 12 2019 Released Jan 4. Total Chaos is a total conversion mod for Doom 2 that runs on the GZDoom source port. Welcome to the DOOM 2016 Weapons locations guide that helps you find the total of the 12 Weapons locations in the PS4. DOOM 2016 Glitches; DOOM 2016 Weapons. Weapon Mods are covered in the Field Drones guide. See what’s up with the gun-altering mods in DOOM (2016) with our weapons guide, providing all the details on arsenal upgrades and how to acquire them. Every weapon in DOOM (2016) can be.
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ - Doom 3: Resurrection Of Evil
Type '^' ([Shift] + 6), then type a number from 0 to 9. Each number is a different color. Note that '7' is the default color, white; and '9' is black, which is a bit difficult to see.
Made up itemsType 'give [anything]', where the item is anything that is not an item in the game. The window will say that the item is unknown, but it will say it is in your inventory. For example, type 'give poop' and the game will display 'Unknown stat 'poop' added to player's inventory'.

Enter codes from the original Doom (for example, 'iddqd' or 'idclip') at the console window. Along with the 'invalid' message, you will get a message stating that you have a good memory.
View creditsGo to the Excavation Site level (final map) and get just before you enter the halls of Cyber-Satan. Walk to the left in the lower dungeons just before you reach the location where the wall breaks open and the intermission sequence of you discovering the final Boss starts. You will reach a dead end. Crouch and face the wall of the dead end. Look directly above the floor under a few protruding bricks to see the iD logo in the stone wall. Place your cross-hair on it. The same sound played when you use a computer will be heard. Click the iD logo. The brick it on will push into the wall with a scratching sound. A new path to your left will appear. Follow it to find a chamber lit by red light that has a huge horned skull on the back wall. Below the skull is a bloody pentagram with a PDA positioned in the center. Download the data from the iD PDA into your own to read . You will find e-mails from the game developers.
Saving ammunitionIf you can avoid it, try not to use weapons like the shotgun or others that have difficult to find ammunition on the weaker zombies. The flashlight (if you are fast enough) or just the pistol usually will work.
Bathroom scareAfter you have found the lost scientist and are returning to the main building, find your way back to the bathrooms. Stand in front of the mirror with your pistol then cycle through until your shotgun, then get very close.
Multiplayer informationDuring multi-player mode, you can enter the console window to see if anybody tried to join. It will also show you if anybody was rejected due to an invalid password.
Defeating the Guardian Of The Soul CubeWhen fighting the Guardian Of The Soul Cube in hell, do not bother shooting his body. This is a waste of precious ammunition. Instead, blast his 'searchers' with something with good coverage like the chaingun, and he will have to spawn more. When he does, a blue light will appear over his body. Shoot it with the rocket launcher. Do this a few times and he will die easily. Also, look in the room around the columns for ammunition, health, etc.
Defeating SargeBe prepared to die a few times. Beware of the edge of the room, as you can fall off. Also, do not hide behind the pillars for too long. They will open up and arc electricity periodically. When you walk into the room, a giant bay door at the opposite end of the room will open, revealing the 'new and improved' Sarge. As soon as that door opens a crack, start lobbing rockets in there. After you score about six good hits without being splattered by his BFG, break out the Soul Cube (that you should have charged before entering the room) and let him have it. It should kill him and heal you. Pick up the armor and ammunition around the room before continuing.
Defeating ImpsIf the Imp is jumping at you, blast it while it is in the air with the shotgun to kill it in one shot. This is slightly difficult to time. Additionally, as soon as an Imp has thrown a fireball at you, strafe around it with your shotgun equipped. Get very close to the front of the Imp and blast it in the chest. About 95% of the time, the Imp will die.
Defeating teleporting demonsWhen a demon teleports in (generally signaled by whisperings, a red tint throughout the screen, and always red lightning in the location where they will appear), you will have a split second before they are able to attack. Take a good weapon (for example, a shotgun or chainsaw for imps and wraiths) and stand close by. For powerful creatures, such as Pinkys, use a ranged weapon and stand at a safe distance; remember to save the game often.
Nightmare modeSuccessfully complete the game on any difficulty to unlock the Nightmare difficulty. In this mode, your health will constantly decrease.
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'doomconfig.cfg' file in the game folder. Locate the line:
- 'seta g_nightmare '0'
and change it to:
- seta g_nightmare '1'
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'doomconfig.cfg' file in the game folder. Locate the line:
- seta g_showPlayerShadow '0'
and change it to:
- seta g_showPlayerShadow '1'
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'doomconfig.cfg' file in the game folder. Add the following line to the file, the press P during a game:
- bind 'p' 'toggle pm_thirdperson'
Use the indicated code to open the corresponding cabinet or storage room:
Doom 3
- Cabinet 001: 396
- Cabinet 003: 483
- Cabinet 009: 752
- Cabinet 013: 586
- Cabinet 017: 347
- Cabinet 023: 531
- Cabinet 038: 409
- Cabinet 039: 102
- Cabinet 047: 123
- Cabinet 048: 123
- Cabinet 049: 123
- Cabinet 054: 246
- Cabinet 054 (second): 142
- Cabinet 054 (third): 631
- Cabinet 063: 972
- Cabinet 064: 651
- Cabinet 071: 532
- Cabinet 078: 364
- Cabinet 079: 364
- Cabinet 103: 259
- Cabinet 104: 579
- Cabinet 108: 847
- Cabinet 112: 538
- Cabinet 114: 715
- Cabinet 116: 972
- Cabinet 116 (second): 624
- Cabinet 117: 624
- Cabinet 213: 371
- Cabinet 215: 298
- Cabinet 317: 841
- Cabinet 386: 836
- Cabinet 387: 836
- Cabinet 452: 571
- Cabinet 666: 372
- Cabinet 669: 468
- Cabinet 965: 428
- Cabinet 21D: 298
- CPU Lab A: 627
- Double-Barrel Case: 731
- Level 3 Access: 463
- Mars City Armory: 584
- Martian Buddies 1 and 2: 0508
- Monorail Airlock: 826
- Plasma Storage: 734
- Security Chief Door: 931
- Storage 07: 725
- Valve 1 Terminal: 842
- Weapons Storage 1 and 2: 584
Doom 3: Lost Missions
- Cabinet 054: 631
- Cabinet 071: 532
- Cabinet 104: 579
- Cabinet 108: 847
- Cabinet 805: 372
- Cabinet 806: 372
- Cabinet 965: 429
- Shotgun Cabinet: 731
Doom 3: Resurrection Of Evil
- Cabinet 029: 516
- Cabinet 034: 134
- Cabinet 035: 134
- Cabinet 042: 714
- Cabinet 105: 769
- Cabinet 116: 634
- Cabinet 117: 634
- Cabinet 407: 937
- Cabinet 408: 937
To enable the console easier, add '+set com_allowConsole 1' to your command-line shortcut for the game. You can then access the console by simply pressing ~.
Display console commandsIf you cannot remember a console command, type as much as you can remember and press [Tab]. This will display the end parts of the command you entered. For example, type 'spawn monster_zombie_f' and press [Tab]; this will display:
- spawn monster_zombie_fat
- spawn monster_zombie_fat2
- spawn monster_zombie_fat_wrench
- spawn monster_zombie_fat_eating
You can also keep pressing [Tab] to highlight the rest of the code if you do not want to type the rest of it in. Note: If you press [Tab] with a command that has too many possibilities to fit the console window, the window will not show it.
While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
God mode [Note] | god |
Full weapons and ammunition | give all |
Full ammunition for current weapons | give ammo |
Armor to 125 | give armor |
Classic 1995 version | give doom95 |
Health to 100 | give health |
All keys | give keys |
BFG | give weapon_bfg |
Chainsaw | give weapon_chainsaw |
Machine gun | give weapon_machinegun |
Plasmagun | give weapon_plasmagun |
Rocket launcher | give weapon_rocketlauncher |
Shotgun | give weapon_shotgun |
Spawn indicated item | give [item name] |
Play indicated map | map [map name] |
Load a map | map |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button0 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button1 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button2 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button3 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button4 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button5 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button6 |
Switch to indicated weapon slot, regardless if you have a weapon there | _button7 |
Show AAS stats | aasStats |
Unknown | addarrow |
Adds debug arrow | addarrow |
Core to game chat lines | addChatLine |
Add debug line | addline |
Scale contact friction | af_contactFrictionScale |
Force the given friction value | af_forceFriction |
Name of the body to highlight | af_highlightBody |
Name of the constraint to highlight | af_highlightConstraint |
Scale the joint friction | af_jointFrictionScale |
Maximum angular velocity | af_maxAngularVelocity: |
Maximum linear velocity | af_maxLinearVelocity |
Show structures of articulated figures not at rest | af_showActive |
Show bodies | af_showBodies |
Show body names | af_showBodyNames |
Show two bodies constrained by the highlighted constraint | af_showConstrainedBodies |
Show constraint names | af_showConstraintNames |
Show constraints | af_showConstraints |
Show the inertia tensor of each body | af_showInertia |
Show joint limits | af_showLimits |
Show mass of each body | af_showMass |
Show primary constraints only | af_showPrimaryOnly |
Show articulated figure CPU usage | af_showTimings |
Show the total mass of each articulated figure | af_showTotalMass |
Show tree-like structures | af_showTrees |
Show velocity of each body | af_showVelocity |
Skip friction | af_skipFriction |
Skip joint limits | af_skipLimits |
Skip self collision detection | af_skipSelfCollision |
Test for bodies initially stuck in solid | af_testSolid |
Scale time | af_timeScale |
Use impulse-based contact friction | af_useImpulseFriction |
Use impulse-based joint friction | af_useJointImpulseFriction |
Use linear time algorithm for tree-like structures | af_useLinearTime |
Use constraint matrix symmetry | af_useSymmetry |
Enable blocked fail safe handling | ai_blockedFailSafe |
Draw movement information for monsters | ai_debugMove |
Display script calls for the specified monster entity number | ai_debugScript |
Draw trajectory tests for monsters | ai_debugTrajectory |
Draw attack cones for monsters | ai_showCombatNodes |
Draw obstacle avoidance information for monsters. | ai_showObstacleAvoidance 1 |
Draw obstacle avoidance information for monsters and player | ai_showObstacleAvoidance 2 |
Draw path_* entities | ai_showPaths: |
Unknown | ai_testPredictPath |
Write .AVI for a command demo | aviCmdDemo |
Save demo in .AVI format | avidemo |
Write .AVI for a demo | aviDemo |
Write .AVI for the current game | aviGame |
Game benchmark | benchmark |
Benchmark | benchmark |
Bind command to a key | bind |
Bind ragdoll at the current drag position | bindRagdoll |
Bind a key, but unbinds it first if there are more than two binds | bindunbindtwo |
Blink a debug line | blinkline |
Center view | centerview |
Check if new version of the game is available | checkNewVersion |
Unknown | clear |
Clear the console | clear |
Clear all lights | clearLights |
Drop current weapon | clientDropWeapon |
In-game GUI message mode | clientMessageMode |
Voice chats | clientVoiceChat |
Team voice chats | clientVoiceChatTeam |
Close the view showing any notes for this map | closeViewNotes |
Cull back facing polygons | cm_backFaceCul |
Debug collision detection | cm_debugCollision |
Color used to draw the collision models | cm_drawColor |
Draw filled polygons | cm_drawFilled |
Draw internal edges green | cm_drawInternal |
Collision mask | cm_drawMask |
Draw polygon and edge normals | cm_drawNormals |
Show collision model info | collisionModelInfo |
Use ~ to toggle console | com_allowConsole |
Sample input from the async thread | com_asyncInput |
Mix sound from the async thread | com_asyncSound |
Compress saved games | com_compressSaveGame |
Force generic platform independent SIMD | com_forceGenericSIMD |
Unknown | com_guid |
Record journal | com_journal 1 |
Play back journal | com_journal 2 |
Set hardware classification to | com_machineSpec |
Set hardware classification to not detected, | com_machineSpec -1 |
Set hardware classification to low quality, | com_machineSpec 0 |
Set hardware classification to medium quality, | com_machineSpec 1 |
Set hardware classification to high quality, | com_machineSpec 2 |
Set hardware classification to ultra quality | com_machineSpec 3 |
Make a build | com_makingBuild 1 |
Marker for memory stats | com_memoryMarker |
Run one game tick every async thread update | com_preciseTic |
Purge everything between level loads | com_purgeAll |
Show async network stats | com_showAsyncStats |
Show frame rate | com_showFPS |
Show framerate | com_showfps 1 |
Show total and per frame memory usage | com_showMemoryUsage |
show sound decoders | com_showSoundDecoders |
Skip the renderer completely | com_skipRenderer |
Show engine timings | com_speeds |
Print time in milliseconds with each console print | com_timestampPrints 1 |
Print time in seconds with each console print | com_timestampPrints 2 |
Update the load size after loading a map | com_updateLoadSize |
Hold last amount of detected video RAM | com_videoRam |
Combine six images for roq compression | combineCubeImages |
Compress a demo file | compressDemo |
Print on the console but not onscreen when console is displayed | con_noPrint |
Time messages displayed when console is displayed | con_notifyTime |
Speed at which the console moves | con_speed [number] |
Dump the console text to a file | conDump |
Connect to a server | connect |
Crashes game | crash |
Crash game | crash |
Unknown | cvar_restart |
Restart the cvar system | cvar_restart |
Apply damage to an entity | damage |
Launch script debugger | debugger |
Print parses | decl_show 1 |
Print parses and references developer | decl_show 2 |
Delete selected entity | deleteSelected |
Hold [Enter] to zoom view | demoshot |
Save screenshot for a demo | demoShot |
Load a map in developer mode | devmap |
Open directory | dir |
List a folder | dir |
List a folder with sub-folders | dirtree |
Disassembles script | disasmScript |
Disables connection for current multi-player game | disconnect |
Disconnect from a game | disconnect |
Compile map | dmap |
Skip to last level | doomhell |
Print indicated text | echo [text] |
Launch in-game Articulated Figure Editor | editAFs |
Launch in-game Declaration Editor | editDecls |
Launch GUI Editor | editGUIs |
Change lighting | editlight |
Launch in-game Light Editor | editLights |
Open the in-game editor | editor |
Launch level editor Radiant | editor |
Launch in-game Particle Editor | editParticles |
Launch in-game PDA Editor | editPDAs |
Launch in-game Script Editor | editScripts |
Change sounds in editor area | editsounds |
launch in-game Sound Editor | editSounds |
Take an environment shot | envshot |
Cause an error | error |
Execute a config file | exec |
Execute appropriate config files and sets cvars based on com_machineSpec | execMachineSpec |
Exit game | exit |
Exit command demo | exitCmdDemo |
Export models | exportmodels |
Finish the build process | finishBuild |
Freeze everything on screen | freeze |
Freeze game for indicated number of seconds | freeze [number] |
Armor takes this percentage of damage | g_armorProtection [number] |
Armor takes this percentage of damage in MP | g_armorProtectionMP [number] |
Maintain even teams | g_balanceTDM |
Show blood splats, sprays, and gibs | g_bloodEffects |
Skip updating entities not marked 'cinematic' '1' during cinematics | g_cinematic |
Set seconds to allow game to run when skipping cinematic | g_cinematicMaxSkipTime [number] |
Pregame countdown in seconds | g_countDown [number] |
Scale final damage on player by this factor | g_damageScale [number] |
Display information on which animations are playing on specified entity; -1 disables | g_debugAnim [number] |
Check for models with bounds over 2048 | g_debugBounds |
Show decals (bullet holes, etc.) | g_decals |
Disassemble script into base/script disasm.txt when script is compiled | g_disasm |
Show double vision when taking damage | g_doubleVision |
Unknown | g_dragDamping |
Allow dragging physics objects around by placing the crosshair over them and holding [Fire] | g_dragEntity |
Edit entity mode; 0 = off, 1 = lights, 2 = sounds, 3 = articulated figures, 4 = particle systems, 5 = monsters, 6 = entity names, 7 = entity models. | g_editEntityMode [0-7] |
Toggle disable buffer file writing for save games | g_flushSave [0 or 1] |
Display timing information for each game frame | g_frametime |
Score review time in seconds at end game | g_gameReviewPause |
Set how much health to take in nightmare mode | g_healthTakeAmt [number] |
Set how low can health get taken in nightmare mode | g_healthTakeLimit [number] |
Set how often to take health in nightmare mode | g_healthTakeTime [number] |
Control the weapon sway in MP | g_mpWeaponAngleScale [number] |
Show muzzle flashes | g_muzzleFlash [0 or 1] |
If nightmare mode is allowed | g_nightmare [0 or 1] |
Game password | g_password [password> |
Show dynamic lights on projectiles | g_projectileLights |
Draw boxes around thinking entities; dormant entities (outside of PVs) are yellow, non-dormant are green | g_showActiveEntities |
Enable ejected shells from weapon | g_showBrass |
Display current frame number for camera when playing cinematics | g_showcamerainfo |
Draw boxes around monsters that targeted player | g_showEnemies |
Enable shadow of player model | g_showPlayerShadow |
Enable display of player hit percentage | g_showProjectilePct |
Toggle hit % to HUD | g_showprojectilepct 1 |
Draw entities and their targets; hidden entities are gray | g_showTargets |
Display current animation and frame number for testmodels. | g_showTestModelFrame |
Draw trigger entities (orange) and their targets (green); disabled triggers are gray. | g_showTriggers |
Skip damage and other view effects | g_skipViewEffects |
Let spectators talk to everyone during game | g_spectatorChat |
Draw arrows over teammates in team deathmatch | g_TDMArrows |
Test model animation; 0 = cycle anime with origin reset, 1 = cycle anim with fixed origin, 2 = cycle anim with continuous origin, 3 = frame by frame with continuous origin, 4 = play anime once | g_testModelAnimate |
Number of frames to blend | g_testModelBlend |
Test model rotation speed | g_testModelRotate |
Test particle visualation; set by the particle editor | g_testParticle |
Name of the particle being tested by the particle editor | g_testParticleName |
Name of material to draw over screen | g_testPostProcess |
When non-zero, shows entities whose think functions exceeded the number of milliseconds specified | g_timeEntities <number> |
scale damage and armor dynamically to keep player alive more often | g_useDynamicProtection |
Show available memory | game_memory |
Display game class info | game_memory |
Cause a game error | gameError |
Kick player from multi-player game | gameKick [name] |
Kick indicated player name | gameKick [name] |
Print current view position | getviewpos |
Display graphics card details | gfxinfo |
Show graphics info | gfxInfo |
Gametype filter | gui_filter_gameType |
Password filter | gui_filter_password |
Players filter | gui_filter_players |
Send heartbeat to master servers | Heartbeat |
Show help | help |
Hitch the game | hitch |
Show IK debug lines | ik_debug |
Enable IK | ik_enable |
Name of log file; if empty 'qconsole.log' will be used | ilFileName |
Set the maximum texture anisotropy if available | image_anisotropy [number] |
Maximum MB reserved for temporary loading of full-sized precompressed images | image_cacheMegs [number] |
Maximum KB of precompressed files to read at specification time | image_cacheMinK [number] |
See texture MIP usage | image_colorMipLevels |
Control texture downsampling | image_downSize |
Control normal map downsampling | image_downSizeBump |
Control normal map downsample limit | image_downSizeBumpLimit |
Control diffuse map downsample limit | image_downSizeLimit |
Control specular downsampling | image_downSizeSpecular |
Control specular downsampled limit | image_downSizeSpecularLimit |
Change texture filtering on mipmapped images | image_filter |
Unknown | image_forceDownSize |
Ignore high quality setting on materials | image_ignoreHighQuality |
Change lod bias on mipmapped images | image_lodbias |
If 0, dynamically load all images | image_preload [0 or 1] |
Round bad sizes down to nearest power of two | image_roundDown |
If 1, print number of outstanding background loads | image_showBackgroundLoads[0 or 1] |
Allow alpha/intensity/luminance luminance+alpha | image_useAllFormats |
If 1, do background load image caching | image_useCache [0 or 1] |
If 0, force everything to high quality | image_useCompression [0 or 1] |
If 2, use rxgb compression for normal maps; if 1, use 256 color compression for normal maps if available | image_useNormalCompression [0-2] |
Write batch file for offline compression of .DDS files | image_useOfflineCompression |
Use .DDS files if present | image_usePrecompressedTextures |
Write .tgas of the final normal maps for debugging | image_writeNormalTGA |
Write .TGAs of the final palletized normal maps for debugging | image_writeNormalTGAPalletized |
Write .DDS files if necessary | image_writePrecompressedTextures |
Write .TGAs of the non normal maps for debugging | image_writeTGA |
Always run (reverse _speed button) in multi-player mode | in_alwaysRun |
Angle change scale when holding _speed button | in_anglespeedkey |
Look around with mouse (reverse _mlook button) | in_freeLook |
Enable mouse input | in_mouse |
Pitch change speed when holding _lookUp or _lookDown button | in_pitchspeed |
Unknown | in_restart |
Restart the input system | in_restart |
Yaw change speed when holding _left or _right button | in_yawspeed |
Unknown | keeptestmodel |
Keep last test model in the game | keepTestModel |
Kick client by connection number | kick |
Kill current target; suicide if no one is targeted | kill |
Kill the player | kill |
Kill all monsters in current level | killmonsters |
Remove all monsters | killMonsters |
Kill all moving enemies | killmoveables |
Remove all moveables | killMoveables |
Kill all non-moving enemies | killragdolls |
Remove all ragdolls | killRagdolls |
Scan LAN for servers | LANScan |
Show LCP solver failures | lcp_showFailures |
List active game entities | listActiveEntities |
List articulated figures | listAF |
Unknown | listanims |
List all animations | listAnims |
List audios | listAudios |
List key bindings | listBinds |
List game classes | listClasses |
List commands | listCmds |
Unknown | listcollisionmodels |
List collision models | listCollisionModels |
List cvars | listCvars |
List all decls | listDecls |
List all keys used by dictionaries | listDictKeys |
List all values used by dictionaries | listDictValues |
List emails | listEmails |
Unknown | listentities |
List game entities | listEntities |
Lists indicated def file settings | listentitydefs |
List entity defs | listEntityDefs |
List FX systems | listFX |
List game commands | listGameCmds |
List GUIs | listGuis |
List decl text character frequencies | listHuffmanFrequencies |
Unknown | listimages |
List images | listImages |
Lists indicated def file settings | listlightdefs |
Unknown | listlines |
List all debug lines | listLines |
Unknown | listmaterials |
List materials | listMaterials |
List model defs | listModelDefs |
Unknown | listmodels |
List all models | listModels |
Unknown | listmodes |
List all video modes | listModes |
Lists images of monsters | listmonsters |
List monsters | listMonsters |
List particle systems | listParticles |
List PDAs | listPDAs |
List the entity defs | listRenderEntityDefs |
List renderer commands | listRendererCmds |
List the light defs | listRenderLightDefs |
List scanned servers | listServers |
Unknown | listskins |
List skins | listSkins |
List sound commands | listSoundCmds |
List active sound decoders | listSoundDecoders |
Unknown | listsounds |
List all sounds | listSounds |
Unknown | listsoundshaders |
List sound shaders | listSoundShaders |
List the spawn args of an entity | listSpawnArgs |
List system commands | listSystemCmds |
List tables | listTables |
Unknown | listthreads |
List script threads | listThreads |
List tool commands | listToolCmds |
List type info | listTypeInfo |
Unknown | listvertexcache |
List vertex cache | listVertexCache |
List videos | listVideos |
Load a game | loadGame |
Localize GUIs | localizeGuis |
Localize maps | localizeMaps |
If 1, buffer log; if 2, flush after each print | logFile [1 or 2] |
Mouse pitch scale | m_pitch |
Show mouse movement | m_showMouseRate |
Number of samples blended for mouse viewing | m_smooth |
Mouse strafe movement scale | m_strafeScale |
Number of samples blended for mouse moving | m_strafeSmooth |
Mouse yaw scale | m_yaw |
Make an ambient map | makeAmbientMap |
Process giant images | MakeMegaTexture |
Create memory dump | memoryDump |
Create a compressed memory dump | memoryDumpCompressed |
Valid skins (including flushing referenced pak files); decreased if over 0 | mod_validSkins |
Unknown | modulatelights |
Modify shader parms on all lights | modulateLights |
Unknown | nextanim |
Show next animation on test model | nextAnim |
Show next animation frame on test model | nextFrame |
Teleport player to the next func_static with a GUI | nextGUI |
Load next map on the server | nextMap |
No clipping | noclip |
Disable collision detection for the player | noclip |
Ignored by most enemies | notarget |
Unknown | notarget |
Disable player as a target | notarget |
Unknown | overlaygui |
Print tokenized string | parse |
Unknown | parsewait |
Unknown | path |
List search paths | path |
Unknown | playcmddemo |
Play back a command demo | playCmdDemo |
Unknown | playdemo |
Play back a demo | playDemo |
Unknown | playermodel |
Set the given model on the player | playerModel [model name] |
Milliseconds the player can go without air before damage starts | pm_air [number] |
x/y size of player's bounding box | pm_bboxwidth |
Unknown | pm_bobpitch |
Unknown | pm_bobroll |
Unknown | pm_bobup |
Bob much faster when crouched | pm_crouchbob |
Height of player's bounding box while crouched | pm_crouchheight [number] |
Time it takes for player's view to change from standing to crouching | pm_crouchrate [number] |
Speed the player can move while crouched | pm_crouchspeed [number] |
Height of player's view while crouched | pm_crouchviewheight [number] |
Height of player's bounding box while dead | pm_deadheight [number] |
Height of player's view while dead | pm_deadviewheight [number] |
Approximate height the player can jump | pm_jumpheight [number] |
Amount player's view can look down | pm_maxviewpitch [number] |
Amount player's view can look up; negative values are up | pm_minviewpitch [number] |
Draw camera from POV of player model; 1 = always, 2 = when dead | pm_modelView [1 or 2] |
Speed the player can move while in noclip | pm_noclipspeed [number] |
Height of player's bounding box while standing | pm_normalheight [number] |
Height of player's view while standing | pm_normalviewheight [number] |
Bob faster when running | pm_runbob |
Unknown | pm_runpitch |
Unknown | pm_runroll |
Speed the player can move while running | pm_runspeed [number] |
Size of the spectator bounding box | pm_spectatebbox [number] |
Speed the player can move while spectating | pm_spectatespeed [number] |
Length of time player can run | pm_stamina [number] |
Rate that player regains stamina; divide pm_stamina by this number to determine how to fully recharge. | pm_staminarate [number] |
When stamina is below this value, player slows to a walk | pm_staminathreshold [number] |
Maximum height player can step up without jumping | pm_stepsize [number] |
Third person view | pm_thirdPerson |
Toggle third person view | pm_thirdperson [0 or 1] |
Direction of camera from player in third person in degrees; 0 = behind player, 180 = in front | pm_thirdPersonAngle [0-180] |
Clip third person view into world space | pm_thirdPersonClip |
Enable third person view when player dies | pm_thirdPersonDeath |
Height of camera from normal view height in third person | pm_thirdPersonHeight [number] |
Camera distance from player in third person | pm_thirdPersonRange [number] |
Use cylinder approximation instead of bounding box for player collision detection | pm_usecylinder |
Bob slowly when walking | pm_walkbob |
Player's walking speed | pm_walkspeed [number] |
Unknown | poplight |
Remove last created light | popLight |
Unknown | prevanim |
Show previous animation on test model | prevAnim |
Show previous animation frame on test model | prevFrame |
Print an articulated figure | printAF |
Print an Audio | printAudio |
Print an email | printEmail |
Print an entity def | printEntityDef |
Print an FX system | printFX |
Print a material | printMaterial |
Unknown | printmode |
Print model info | printModel |
Print a model def | printModelDefs |
Print a particle system | printParticle |
Print a PDA | printPDA |
Unknown | printshader |
Print a skin | printSkin |
Print a sound shader | printSoundShader |
Print a table | printTable |
Print an Video | printVideo |
Prompt and set the CD Key | promptKey |
Exit game | quit |
Quit the game | quit |
Change gamma tables | r_brightness |
Set brightness level | r_brightness [number] |
arbfp1, fp30 | r_cgFragmentProfile |
arbvp1, vp20, vp30 | r_cgVertexProfile |
Compare all surface bounds with precalculated ones | r_checkBounds |
Force screen clear every frame; 1 = purple, 2 = black, R G B = custom | r_clear [1, 2, or R G B value] |
Custom screen height | r_customHeight [number] |
Custom screen width | r_customWidth [number] |
Step size of arrow cone line rotation in degrees | r_debugArrowStep [number] |
Perform depth test on debug lines | r_debugLineDepthTest |
Width of debug lines | r_debugLineWidth [number] |
Draw a filled polygon | r_debugPolygonFilled |
Used during development to show IHV's their problems | r_demonstrateBug |
Optional display refresh rate option for vid mode | r_displayRefresh |
Force a call to glFinish() every frame | r_finish |
Scale flare deforms from the material def | r_flareSize |
Draw all images to screen after registration | r_forceLoadImages |
Draw to front buffer for debugging | r_frontBuffer |
0 = windowed, 1 = full screen | r_fullscreen [0 or 1] |
Change gamma tables | r_gamma |
Set gamma level | r_gamma [0-3] |
'opengl32', etc. | r_glDriver [value] |
Fraction to smear across neighbors | r_hdr_bloomFraction |
Maximum light scale | r_hdr_exposure |
Monitor gamma power | r_hdr_gamma |
Random dither in monitor space | r_hdr_monitorDither |
Use a floating point rendering buffer | r_hdr_useFloats |
Random debugging without defining new vars | r_ignore |
Random debugging without defining new vars | r_ignore2 |
Ignore GL errors | r_ignoreGLErrors |
Ignore the fragment program extension | r_inhibitFragmentProgram |
Randomly subpixel jitter the projection matrix | r_jitter |
Offset of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1 | r_jointNameOffset |
Size of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1 | r_jointNameScale |
Light all the back faces, even when they would be shadowed | r_lightAllBackFaces |
All light intensities are multiplied by this | r_lightScale |
Soft-shadow sampling | r_lightSourceRadius |
Allow moving the view point without changing the composition of the scene, including culling | r_lockSurfaces |
Number of frames to emit GL logs | r_logFile |
Override all materials | r_materialOverride |
Draw only a specific level | r_megaTextureLevel |
Combine model surfaces with the same material | r_mergeModelSurfaces |
Video mode number | r_mode |
Number of antialiasing samples | r_multiSamples |
Near Z clip plane distance | r_near |
Polygon offset parameter | r_offsetfactor |
Polygon offset parameter | r_offsetunits |
Perform index reorganization to optimize vertex use | r_orderIndexes |
Hardware specific renderer path to use | r_renderer |
Scale factor for jitter bias | r_sb_biasScale |
Oversize FOV for point light side matching | r_sb_frustomFOV |
Scale factor for jitter offset | r_sb_jitterScale |
Pixel dimensions for each shadow buffer, 64 - 2048 | r_sb_lightResolution |
Use GL_LINEAR instead of GL_NEAREST on shadow maps | r_sb_linearFilter |
Do not draw any occluders | r_sb_noShadows |
0 = front faces; 1 = back faces; 2 = midway between them | r_sb_occluderFacing[0-3] |
polygonOffset factor for drawing shadow buffer | r_sb_polyOfsFactor |
polygonOffset units for drawing shadow buffer | r_sb_polyOfsUnits |
Randomly offset jitter texture each draw | r_sb_randomize |
Set to 0, 1, 4, or 16 | r_sb_samples [number] |
Build shadows in screen space instead of on surfaces | r_sb_screenSpaceShadow |
Color the pixels contained in the frustum | r_sb_showFrustumPixels |
only draw a single side (0 to 5) of points lights | r_sb_singleSide |
Cull geometry to individual side frustums | r_sb_useCulling |
Draw offscreen | r_sb_usePbuffer |
Width of screen space shadow sampling screenFraction for testing fill rate; the resolution of entire screen can be changed | r_sb_viewResolution |
Scale value for stencil shadow drawing | r_shadowPolygonFactor |
Bias value added to depth test for stencil shadow drawing | r_shadowPolygonOffset |
Enable shadows | r_shadows |
Report alloc/free counts | r_showAlloc |
Report sphere and box culling stats | r_showCull |
Report number of modeDefs and lightDefs in view | r_showDefs |
Report reads and writes to the demo file | r_showDemo |
Display contents of the depth buffer and the depth range | r_showDepth |
Draw lines from vertexes to center of dominant triangles | r_showDominantTri |
Report stats on dynamic surface generation | r_showDynamic |
Draw the sil edges | r_showEdges |
Show entity scissor rectangles | r_showEntityScissors |
1 = show all images instead of rendering, 2 = show in proportional size | r_showImages [0-2] |
Draw screen colors based on intensity; red = 0, green = 128, blue = 255 | r_showIntensity [number] |
1 = show frustum for each interaction, 2 = also draw lines to light origin, 3 = also draw entity bbox | r_showInteractionFrustums [0-3] |
Report interaction generation activity | r_showInteractions |
1 = show screen rectangle which contains the interaction frustum, 2 = also draw construction lines | r_showInteractionScissors [0-2] |
1 = colors surfaces based on light count, 2 = also count everything through walls, 3 = also print overdraw | r_showLightCount [0-3] |
1 = just print volumes numbers, highlighting ones covering the view, 2 = also draw planes of each volume, 3 = also draw edges of each volume | r_showLights [0-3] |
Report scale factor applied to drawing for overbrights | r_showLightScale |
Show light scissor rectangles | r_showLightScissors |
Display all the level images | r_showMegaTexture |
Draw colored blocks in each tile | r_showMegaTextureLabels |
Print frame memory utilization | r_showMemory |
Draw wireframe normals | r_showNormals |
1 = geometry overdraw, 2 = light interaction overdraw, 3 = geometry and light interaction overdraw | r_showOverDraw [0-3] |
Draw portal outlines in color based on passed/not passed | r_showPortals |
Report drawsurf/index/vertex counts | r_showPrimitives |
Color screen based on shadow volume depth complexity, 2 or greater = print overdraw count based on stencil index values, 3 = only show turboshadows, 4 = only show static shadows | r_showShadowCount [0-4] |
1 = visualize the stencil shadow volumes, 2 = draw filled in | r_showShadows [0-2] |
Highlight edges that are casting shadow planes | r_showSilhouette |
Draw skeleton when model animates, 1 = draw model with skeleton, 2 = draw skeleton only | r_showSkel[0-2] |
Show which end (front or back) is blocking | r_showSmp |
Show surface material name under crosshair | r_showSurfaceInfo |
Report surface/light/shadow counts | r_showSurfaces |
Shade triangles by tangent space; 1 = use 1st tangent vector, 2 = use 2nd tangent vector, 3 = use normal vector | r_showTangentSpace [0-3] |
Shade triangles by texture area polarity | r_showTexturePolarity |
If greater than 0, draw each triangles texture (tangent) vectors | r_showTextureVectors [number] |
Show intersection of an eye trace with the world | r_showTrace |
Enable wireframe rendering of the world; 1 = only draw visible ones, 2 = draw all front facing, 3 = draw all | r_showTris [0-3] |
if 1, put all nVidia register combiner programming in display lists | r_showUnsmoothedTangents [0-1] |
Report entity and light updates and ref counts | r_showUpdates |
Unknown | r_showVertexCache |
Draw all triangles with the solid vertex color | r_showVertexColor |
1 = displays the bounding boxes of all view models, 2 = print index numbers | r_showViewEntitys [0-2] |
Only draw the portal area the view is actually in | r_singleArea |
Suppress all but one entity | r_singleEntity |
Suppress all but one light | r_singleLight |
Suppress all but one surface on each entity | r_singleSurface |
Only draw a single triangle per primitive | r_singleTriangle |
Bypass all non-interaction drawing | r_skipAmbient |
Do not draw anything | r_skipBackEnd |
Skip all blend lights | r_skipBlendLights |
Use flat surface instead of the bump map | r_skipBump |
Do all rendering, but do not actually copyTexSubImage2D | r_skipCopyTexture |
Leave all deform materials in their original state | r_skipDeforms |
Use black for diffuse | r_skipDiffuse |
Do not dynamically create textures | r_skipDynamicTextures |
Skip all fog lights | r_skipFogLights |
Bypass all front end work, but 2D GUI rendering still draws | r_skipFrontEnd |
1 = skip all gui elements on surfaces, 2 = skip drawing but still handle events, 3 = draw but skip events | r_skipGuiShaders [0-3] |
Skip all light/surface interaction drawing | r_skipInteractions |
Do not do any post-interaction light scaling | r_skipLightScale |
Only use the lowest level image | r_skipMegaTexture |
Bypass all vertex/fragment program ambient drawing | r_skipNewAmbient |
Skip overlay surfaces | r_skipOverlays |
1 = skip all particle systems | r_skipParticles [0-1] |
Skip all post-process renderings | r_skipPostProcess |
Skip 3D rendering, but pass 2D | r_skipRender |
Null the rendering context during backend 3D rendering | r_skipRenderContext |
Skip ROQ decoding | r_skipROQ |
Use black for specular1 | r_skipSpecular |
1 = don't render any GUI elements on surfaces | r_skipSubviews [0 or 1] |
Ignore the per-view suppressions | r_skipSuppress |
Skip the translucent interaction rendering | r_skipTranslucent |
1 = do not accept any entity or light updates, making everything static | r_skipUpdates [0 or 1] |
Merge normals that dot less than this | r_slopNormal [number] |
Merge texture coordinates this far apart | r_slopTexCoord [number] |
Merge xyz coordinates this far apart | r_slopVertex [number] |
1 = do not render main view, allowing subviews to be debugged | r_subviewOnly [0 or 1] |
Changes wglSwapIntarval | r_swapInterval |
Vertically scale USGS data | r_terrainScale |
Experiment with vertex/fragment programs | r_testARBProgram |
if over 0, draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels | r_testGamma [number] |
if over 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels | r_testGammaBias [number] |
if over 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels | r_testStepGamma [number] |
Cache snapshots of dynamic models | r_useCachedDynamicModels |
0 = full screen when near clipped, 1 = exact when near clipped, 2 = exact always | r_useClippedLightScissors [0-2] |
Put all nVidia register combiner programming in display lists | r_useCombinerDisplayLists |
Use pre-calculated material registers if possible | r_useConstantMaterials |
0 = none, 1 = sphere, 2 = sphere and box | r_useCulling [0-2] |
Defer tangents calculations after deform | r_useDeferredTangents |
Use depth bounds test to reduce shadow fill | r_useDepthBoundsTest |
If 0, issue the callback immediately at update time, rather than deferring | r_useEntityCallbacks [number] |
0 = none, 1 = box | r_useEntityCulling [0 or 1] |
1 = Use custom scissor rectangle for each entity | r_useEntityScissors [0 or 1] |
1 = skip drawing caps when outside the light volume, 2 = force to no caps for testing | r_useExternalShadows [0-2] |
if not 0, force the view frustum far distance to this distance | r_useFrustumFarDistance [number] |
Use ARB_vertex_buffer_object for indexes | r_useIndexBuffers |
Use the no-far-clip-plane trick | r_useInfiniteFarZ |
1 = cull interactions | r_useInteractionCulling [0 or 1] |
1 = use a custom scissor rectangle for each shadow interaction, 2 = also crop using portal scissors | r_useInteractionScissors [0-2] |
Create a full entityDefs * lightDefs table to make finding interactions faster | r_useInteractionTable |
0 = none, 1 = box, 2 = exact clip of polyhedron faces, 3 = also areas | r_useLightCulling [0 or 3] |
Use a more precise area reference determination | r_useLightPortalFlow |
1 = use custom scissor rectangle for each light | r_useLightScissors [0 or 1] |
Stop pushing reference bounds early when possible | r_useNodeCommonChildren |
Use pass optimization for mono lights | r_useNV20MonoLights |
Use the dmap generated static shadow volumes | r_useOptimizedShadows |
1 = use portals to perform area culling, otherwise draw everything | r_usePortals[0 or 1] |
1 = do winding clipping to determine if each ambiguous tri should be lit | r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions [0 or 1] |
Scissor clip as portals and lights are processed | r_useScissor |
Try to cull shadows from partially visible lights | r_useShadowCulling |
Discard triangles outside light volume before shadowing | r_useShadowProjectedCull |
Scissor shadows by the scissor rect of the interaction surfaces | r_useShadowSurfaceScissor |
Do the shadow projection in the vertex program on capable cards | r_useShadowVertexProgram |
Consider verts with the same XYZ, but different ST the same for shadows | r_useSilRemap |
Avoid redundant state changes in GL_*() calls | r_useStateCaching |
Cards with 3+ texture units do a two pass instead of three pass | r_useTripleTextureARB |
Use infinite projection with W technique for dynamic shadows | r_useTurboShadow |
Do stencil shadows in one pass with different ops on each side | r_useTwoSidedStencil |
Use ARB_vertex_buffer_object for vertexes | r_useVertexBuffers |
Show rigid bodies that are not at rest | rb_showActive |
Show rigid bodies | rb_showBodies |
Show the inertia tensor of each rigid body | rb_showInertia |
Show the mass of each rigid body | rb_showMass |
Show rigid body cpu usage | rb_showTimings |
Show the velocity of each rigid body | rb_showVelocity |
Unknown | recordcmddemo |
Start recording game demo | recorddemo |
Record a demo | recordDemo |
Record current view position with notes | recordViewNotes |
Unknown | reexportmodels |
Re-exports models | reexportmodels |
Respawn all dead enemies and destroyed objects | regenerateworld |
Regenerates all interactions | regenerateWorld |
Unknown | reload |
Unknown | reloadanims |
Reload animations | reloadanims |
Reload ARB programs | reloadARBprograms |
Reload CG programs | reloadCgPrograms |
Reload decls | reloadDecls |
Reload engine down to including the file system | reloadEngine |
Unknown | reloadentitydefs |
Unknown | reloadfx |
Unknown | reloadguis |
Reload GUIs | reloadGuis |
Unknown | reloadimages |
Reload images | reloadImages |
Reload language dict | reloadLanguage |
Unknown | reloadmodels |
Reload models | reloadModels |
Reload scripts | reloadScript |
Unknown | reloadshaders |
Unknown | reloadsounds |
Reload all sounds | reloadSounds |
Unknown | reloadsoundshaders |
Reload the decl and images for selected surface | reloadSurface |
Remove an entity | remove |
Unknown | removeline |
Remove a debug line | removeline |
Unknown | renderbump |
Render a bump map | renderbump |
Unknown | renderbumpflat |
Render a flat bump map | renderbumpFlat |
Check all referenced images for duplications | reportImageDuplication |
List all used materials sorted by surface area | reportSurfaceAreas |
Rescan serverinfo cvars and tell game | rescanSI |
Unknown | reset |
Reset a cvar | reset |
Unknown | roq |
Encode a roq file | roq |
Unknown | runaas |
Compile an AAS file for a map | runAAS |
Compile AAS files for all maps in a folder | runAASDir |
Unknown | runreach |
Calculate reachability for an AAS file | runReach |
Unknown | s_cacheinfo |
Unknown | s_cacheinvalidate |
Unknown | s_constantAmplitude |
Reduce sound volume with this distance when going through a door | s_doorDistanceAdd [number] |
Unknown | s_dotbias2 |
Unknown | s_dotbias6 |
Unknown | s_drawSounds |
Unknown | s_force22kHz |
Volume to all speakers when not spatialized | s_globalFraction |
Unknown | s_maxSoundsPerShader |
Unknown | s_meterTopTime |
Unknown | s_minVolume2 |
Unknown | s_minVolume6 |
Unknown | s_musictrack |
Unknown | s_noSound |
Set number of speakers | s_numberOfSpeakers [number] |
Play beep for missing sounds | s_playDefaultSound |
Unknown | s_quadraticFalloff |
Unknown | s_realTimeDecoding |
Unknown | s_restart |
Restart the sound system | s_restart |
Unknown | s_reverse |
Unknown | s_showLevelMeter |
Toggle sound level display | s_showlevelmeter 1 |
Unknown | s_showStartSound |
mute All sounds but this emitter | s_singleEmitter |
Unknown | s_spatializationDecay |
Set volume to subwoofer in Dolby 5.1 | s_subFraction [number] |
Unknown | s_useOcclusion |
Set sound volume; default is 0 | s_volume_db [number] |
Set volume in dB | s_volume_dB [number] |
Save a game | saveGame |
Save all lights to the .map file | saveLights |
Save all moveables to the .map file | saveMoveables |
Save all lights to the .map file | saveParticles |
Save all ragdoll poses to the .map file | saveRagdolls |
Save the selected entity to the .map file | saveSelected |
Text chat | say |
Send message to everyone in multi-player | say [message] |
Team text chat | sayTeam |
Unknown | screenshot |
Take a screenshot | screenshot |
Unknown | script |
Execute a line of script | script |
Mouse view sensitivity | sensitivity |
Force all players ready | serverForceReady |
Show server info | serverInfo |
Restart current game | serverMapRestart |
Change to next map | serverNextMap |
Unknown | set |
Set a cvar | set |
Unknown | seta |
Set a cvar and flags it as archive | seta |
Detect system capabilities and sets com_machineSpec to appropriate value | setMachineSpec |
Unknown | sets |
Set a cvar and flags it as server info | sets |
Unknown | setstepgamma |
Set a cvar and flags it as tool | sett |
Unknown | setu |
Set a cvar and flags it as user info | setu |
Unknown | setviewpos |
Set the current view position | setviewpos |
Show memory used by dictionaries | showDictMemory |
Show memory used by interactions | showInteractionMemory |
Show memory used by strings | showStringMemory |
Show memory used by triangle surfaces | showTriSurfMemory |
Show any view notes for the current map, successive calls will cycle to the next note | showViewNotes |
Frag limit | si_fragLimit |
Set game type to: singleplayer, deathmatch, tourney, team dm or last man | si_gameType [value] |
Map to be played next on server | si_map [map name] |
Engine version | si_version |
Do pre-game warmup | si_warmup |
Resize screen to smaller view | sizedown |
Make the rendered view smaller | sizeDown |
Resize screen to larger view; no effect if in fullscreen | sizeup |
Make the rendered view larger | sizeUp |
Spawn a game entity | spawn |
Spawn indicated model | spawn [object name] |
Unknown | spawnserver |
Spawn a server | spawnServer |
Prepare to make a build | startBuild |
Display game status | status |
Stop recording game demo | stoprecording |
Stop demo recording | stopRecording |
Unknown | sys_arch |
Unknown | sys_cpustring |
Unknown | sys_lang |
Take notes about the current map from the current view | takeViewNotes |
Extended take view notes | takeViewNotes2 |
Teleport player to an entity location | teleport |
Unknown | testanim |
Test an animation | testAnim |
Unknown | testblend |
Test animation blending | testBlend |
Test an FX system bound to a joint | testBoneFx |
Unknown | testbump |
Unknown | testdamage |
Test a damage def | testDamage |
Test death | testDeath |
Unknown | testfx |
Test an FX system | testFx |
Unknown | testgui |
Test a GUI | testGUI |
Unknown | testimage |
Display given image centered on screen | testImage |
Unknown | testlight |
Test a light | testLight |
Unknown | testmap |
Test a map | testmap |
Unknown | testmodel |
Test a model | testModel |
Unknown | testparticle |
Test particle stop time on a test model | testParticleStopTime |
Test a point light | testPointLight |
Write out a test savegame | testSave |
Test a save game for a level | testSaveGame |
Unknown | testshader |
Set a shaderParm on an existing testModel | testShaderParm |
Unknown | testsimd |
Test SIMD code | testSIMD |
Test a skin on an existing testModel | testSkin |
Test a sound | testSound |
Unknown | testtrace |
Display given cinematic | testVideo [name] |
Unknown | testwipe |
Time a command demo | timeCmdDemo |
Time a demo | timeDemo |
Benchmark test | timedemo demo1.demo |
Time a demo and quits | timeDemoQuit |
Scales the time | timescale [number] |
Unknown | toggle |
Toggle a cvar | toggle |
Touch a decl | touch |
Unknown | touchfile |
Touch a file | touchFile |
Touch a list of files | touchFileList |
Unknown | touchfx |
Unknown | touchgui |
Touch a gui | touchGui |
Unknown | touchmaterial |
Unknown | touchmodel |
Touch a model | touchModel |
Unknown | touchparticle |
Unknown | touchskin |
Unknown | touchsound |
Trigger an entity | trigger |
Auto reload weapon | ui_autoReload |
Auto switch weapon | ui_autoSwitch |
Player name | ui_name |
Player is ready to start playing | ui_ready |
Show gun | ui_showGun |
Player skin | ui_skin |
Play or spectate | ui_spectate |
Player team | ui_team |
Unknown | unbind |
Unbind any command from a key | unbind |
Unknown | unbindall |
Unbind any command from all keys | unbindall |
Unbind selected ragdoll | unbindRagdoll [name] |
Cause sync down of game-modified userinfo | updateUI |
Update to previously entered screen resize code | vid_restart |
Restart renderSystem | vid_restart |
Unknown | vstr |
Insert the current value of a cvar as command text | vstr |
Delay remaining buffered commands one or more frames | wait |
Advance to next weapon slot | weapnext |
Unknown | weapon |
Puts bloodsplat on your gun | weaponsplat |
Project blood splat on the player weapon | weaponSplat |
Return to previous weapon slot | weapprev |
Show location and map name | where |
Print current view position | where |
Allow multiple instances running concurrently | win_allowMultipleInstances |
Disable Windows task keys | win_notaskkeys |
Unknown | win_outputDebugString |
Unknown | win_outputEditString |
Allow game to be updated while dragging window | win_timerUpdate |
Windows user name | win_username |
Unknown | win_viewlog |
Horizontal position of window | win_xpos |
Vertical position of window commands | win_ypos |
Write a command demo | writeCmdDemo |
Unknown | writeconfig |
Write a config file | writeConfig |
Write game state | writeGameState |
Unknown | writeprecache |
Write precache | writePrecache |
Unknown | _attack |
Unknown | _back |
Unknown | aas_goalArea |
Unknown | aas_pullPlayer |
Unknown | aas_randomPullPlayer |
Unknown | aas_showAreas |
Unknown | aas_showFlyPath |
Unknown | aas_showHideArea |
Unknown | aas_showPath |
Unknown | aas_showPushIntoArea |
Unknown | aas_showWallEdges |
Unknown | aas_test |
Unknown | aasstats |
Unknown | addline |
Unknown | centerview |
Unknown | blinkline |
Unknown | bind |
Unknown | bindlist |
Unknown | clearlights |
Unknown | clientVoiceChat |
Unknown | clientVoiceChat |
Unknown | cm_testAngle |
Unknown | cm_testBox |
Unknown | cm_testBoxRotation |
Unknown | cm_testCollision |
Unknown | cm_testLength |
Unknown | cm_testModel |
Unknown | cm_testOrigin |
Unknown | cm_testRadius |
Unknown | cm_testRandomMany |
Unknown | cm_testReset |
Unknown | cm_testRotation |
Unknown | cm_testTimes |
Unknown | cm_testWalk |
Unknown | collisionmodelinfo |
Unknown | com_aviDemoHeight |
Unknown | com_aviDemoSamples |
Unknown | com_aviDemoTics |
Unknown | com_aviDemoWidth |
Unknown | com_compressDemos |
Unknown | com_fixedTic |
Unknown | com_minTics |
Unknown | com_logDemos |
Unknown | com_preloadDemos |
Unknown | com_showAngles |
Unknown | com_showDemo |
Unknown | com_showTics |
Unknown | com_skipGameDraw |
Unknown | com_wipeSeconds |
Unknown | combinecubeimages |
Unknown | compressdemo |
Unknown | condump |
Unknown | connect |
Unknown | cvarlist |
Unknown | dirtyfeet |
Unknown | dmap |
Unknown | echo |
Unknown | r_vertexBufferMegs |
Unknown | radiant_ALTEdgeDrag |
Unknown | fs_basepath |
Unknown | fs_caseSensitiveOS |
Unknown | fs_cdpath |
Unknown | fs_copyfiles |
Unknown | fs_debug |
Unknown | fs_devpath |
Unknown | fs_game |
Unknown | fs_restrict |
Unknown | fs_savepath |
Unknown | radiant_AngleSpeed |
Unknown | radiant_Autosave |
Unknown | radiant_AutosaveMinutes |
Unknown | radiant_camerawindow |
Unknown | radiant_CamXYUpdate |
Unknown | radiant_ChaseMouse |
Unknown | radiant_CubicClipping |
Unknown | radiant_CubicScale |
Unknown | radiant_entityMode |
Unknown | radiant_EntityShow |
Unknown | radiant_HiColorTextures |
Unknown | radiant_InspectorDockedDialogs |
Unknown | radiant_InspectorsWindow |
Unknown | radiant_LastMap |
Unknown | radiant_LastProject |
Unknown | radiant_LoadLast |
Unknown | radiant_LoadLastMap |
Unknown | radiant_LoadShaders |
Unknown | radiant_MainWindowPlace |
Unknown | radiant_ModelPath |
Unknown | radiant_MoveSpeed |
Unknown | radiant_NewFaceGrab |
Unknown | radiant_NewLightStyle |
Unknown | radiant_NewMapFormat |
Unknown | radiant_NewRightClick |
Unknown | radiant_NewTextureWindowStuff |
Unknown | radiant_NewVertex |
Unknown | radiant_NoClamp |
Unknown | radiant_NoStipple |
Unknown | radiant_QE4Paint |
Unknown | radiant_QE4StyleWindows |
Unknown | radiant_RadiantMapPath |
Unknown | radiant_RotateLock |
Unknown | radiant_Rotation |
Unknown | radiant_RunBefore |
Unknown | radiant_SavedInfo |
Unknown | radiant_SelectWholeEntitiesKey |
Unknown | radiant_SizePainting |
Unknown | radiant_Snapshots |
Unknown | radiant_SnapT |
Unknown | radiant_StatusPointSize |
Unknown | radiant_SwitchClipKey |
Unknown | radiant_TextureLock |
Unknown | radiant_TextureQuality |
Unknown | radiant_TextureScale |
Unknown | radiant_TextureScrollbar |
Unknown | radiant_texwindow |
Unknown | radiant_UndoLevels |
Unknown | radiant_UseDisplayLists |
Unknown | radiant_UseGLLighting |
Unknown | radiant_UseTextureBar |
Unknown | radiant_WideToolBar |
Unknown | radiant_xywindow |
Unknown | radiant_XZVIS |
Unknown | radiant_xzwindow |
Unknown | radiant_YZVIS |
Unknown | radiant_yzwindow |
Unknown | radiant_ZClipBottom |
Unknown | radiant_ZClipEnabled |
Unknown | radiant_ZClipTop |
Unknown | radiant_ZVIS |
Unknown | radiant_zwindow |
Unknown | g_blobSize |
Unknown | g_blobTime |
Unknown | error |
Unknown | EntityPlacement |
Unknown | envshot |
Unknown | exec |
Unknown | exportmodels |
Unknown | fillrate |
Unknown | flashlight |
Unknown | focussoundseditor |
Unknown | g_debugCinematic |
Unknown | g_debugDamage |
Unknown | g_debugMove |
Unknown | g_debugMover |
Unknown | g_debugScript |
Unknown | g_debugTriggers |
Unknown | g_debugWeapon |
Unknown | g_dragShowSelection |
Unknown | g_dropItemRotation |
Unknown | g_dvAmplitude |
Unknown | g_dvFrequency |
Unknown | g_dvTime |
Unknown | g_exportMask |
Unknown | g_fov |
Unknown | g_gravity |
Unknown | g_gunX |
Unknown | g_gunY |
Unknown | g_gunZ |
Unknown | g_kickAmplitude |
Unknown | g_kickTime |
Unknown | g_knockback |
Unknown | g_maxShowDistance |
Unknown | g_monsters |
Unknown | g_showCollisionModels |
Unknown | g_showCollisionTraces |
Unknown | g_showCollisionWorld |
Unknown | g_showEntityInfo |
Unknown | g_showHud |
Unknown | g_showviewpos |
Unknown | g_skill |
Unknown | g_skipFX |
Unknown | g_skipParticles |
Unknown | g_showPVS |
Unknown | g_vehicleForce |
Unknown | g_vehicleVelocity |
Unknown | g_viewNodalX |
Unknown | g_viewNodalZ |
Unknown | g_stopTime |
Unknown | g_testDeath |
Unknown | g_testHealthVision |
Unknown | give |
Unknown | gui_configServerRate |
Unknown | gui_debug |
Unknown | gui_edit |
Unknown | gui_mediumFontLimit |
Unknown | gui_smallFontLimit |
Doom 3 Weapons Mod Doom 2 Walkthrough 1
Note: This code must be activated after each stage loading sequence.
Map namesUse one of the following values with the 'map [map name]' code:
Result | Map name |
Administration | |
Alpha Labs Sector 1 | |
Alpha Labs Sector 2 | |
Alpha Labs Sector 3 | |
Alpha Labs Sector 4 | |
Caverns Area 1 | |
Caverns Area 2 | |
Communications Transfer | |
Communications | |
CPU Complex | |
Central Processing | |
Delta Labs Level 1 | |
Delta Labs Level 2A | |
Delta Labs Level 2B | |
Delta Labs Level 3 | |
Delta Labs Level 4 | |
Delta Complex | |
EnPro Plant | |
Hell | |
Primary Excavation | |
Mars City 1 | |
Mars City 2 | |
Mars City Underground | |
Monorail | |
Monorail Skybridge | |
Recycling Sector 2 | |
Site 3 | |
Additionally, the following test maps can be extracted from the pak000.pk4 file and played with the corresponding console command:
- map testmaps/
- map testmaps/
- map testmaps/
Use one of the following values with the 'spawn [monster name]' code:
Result | Monster name |
Cyberdemon | monster_boss_cyberdemon |
Guardian | monster_boss_guardian |
Guardian's Seeker | monster_boss_guardian_seeker |
Sabaoth | monster_boss_sabaoth |
Vagary | monster_boss_vagary |
Archvile | monster_demon_archvile |
Cherub | monster_demon_cherub |
Hellknight | monster_demon_hellknight |
Imp | monster_demon_imp |
Maggot | monster_demon_maggot |
Mancubus | monster_demon_mancubus |
Pinky | monster_demon_pinky |
Revenant | monster_demon_revenant |
Tick | monster_demon_tick |
Trite | monster_demon_trite |
Wraith | monster_demon_wraith |
Zombie wth flashlight | monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight |
Flaming Zombie | monster_zombie_bernie |
Commando Zombie | monster_zombie_commando |
Commando Zombie with chaingun | monster_zombie_commando_cgun |
Fat Zombie with wrench | monster_zombie_fat_wrench |
Fat Zombie | monster_zombie_fat2 |
Zombie in jumpsuit | monster_zombie_jumpsuit |
Zombie eating | monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating |
Zombie in labcoat | monster_zombie_labcoat |
Zombie missing limb | monster_zombie_limb |
Zombie | monster_zombie_maint |
Bald zombie | monster_zombie_maint_bald |
Zombie with no jaw | monster_zombie_maint_nojaw |
Skinny zombie | monster_zombie_maint_skinny |
Zombie with Wrench | monster_zombie_maint_wrench |
Zombie | monster_zombie_maint2 |
Zombie with a pipe | monster_zombie_pipe |
Chainsaw zombie | monster_zombie_sawyer |
Skinny zombie | monster_zombie_skinny |
Bloody mouthed zombie | monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth |
Headless zombie | monster_zombie_suit_neckstump |
Skinny zombie in suit | monster_zombie_suit_skinny |
Bald Zombie in T-shirt | monster_zombie_tshirt_bald |
Zombie in T-shirt | monster_zombie_tshirt_blown |
Z-sec Zombie with machine gun | monster_zombie_zsec_machinegun |
Z-sec Zombie with pistol | monster_zombie_zsec_pistol |
Z-sec Zombie with shield | monster_zombie_zsec_shield |
Z-sec Zombie with shotgun | monster_zombie_zsec_shotgun |
Use one of the following values with the 'spawn [name]' code:
Result | Name |
Adrenaline | powerup_adrenaline |
Megahealth | powerup_megahealth |
Invisibility | powerup_invisibility |
Use one of the following entries with the 'give [item name]' code:
- weapon_chaingun
- weapon_grenade
- weapon_pistol
- weapon_soulcube
Use one of the following entries with the 'give [item name]' code:
- ammo_bfg_small
- ammo_belt_small
- ammo_clip_small
- ammo_bullets_small
- ammo_cells_small
- ammo_rockets_small
- ammo_shells_small
- ammo_grenage_small
- ammo_clip_large
- ammo_bullets_large
- ammo_cells_large
- ammo_rockets_large
- ammo_shells_large
Use one of the following values with the 'give [item name]' code:
Doom 3 Best Mods
- pda admin_banks
- pda admin_dorweiler
- pda admin_moses
- pda admin_simons
- pda alphalabs1_berger
- pda alphalabs1_krietman
- pda alphalabs1_lipsitz
- pda alphalabs1_smith
- pda alphalabs2_chin
- pda alphalabs2_connors
- pda alphalabs3_abrams
- pda alphalabs3_lamia
- pda alphalabs3_nelson
- pda alphalabs3_poota
- pda alphalabs4_kaczynski
- pda caverns1_cody
- pda comm1_blake
- pda comm1_finch
- pda comm1_wolfe
- pda comm1_wolfe
- pda commoutside_holiday
- pda commoutside_ridge
- pda cpu_bates
- pda cpu_haskell
- pda cpuboss_tooloose
- pda delta1_mora
- pda delta1_price
- pda delta2a_cinders
- pda delta2a_raleigh
- pda delta2a_wilson
- pda delta2b_bullman
- pda delta2b_erikson
- pda delta2b_mcneil
- pda delta2b_stemmons
- pda delta3_cerano
- pda delta3_lee
- pda delta3_shultz
- pda delta4_gilbert
- pda delta5_jackson
- pda delta5_swann
- pda enpro_chasar
- pda enpro_hammer
- pda enpro_raad
- pda hell_garlick
- pda hell_hebert
- pda marscity2_caseon
- pda marscity2_duncan
- pda marscity2_stanton
- pda marscity2_tyson
- pda mc1_berneche
- pda mcunderground_baston
- pda mcunderground_delahue
- pda mcunderground_ryan
- pda mcunderground_young
- pda monorail_cullen
- pda monorail_harding
- pda monorail_hollies
- pda monorail_ross
- pda recycling1_garza
- pda recycling1_sadowayj
- pda recycling2_johnson
- pda recycling2_moen
- pda site3_davis
- pda site3_rogers
- video bfg
- video chaingun
- video demon_museum
- video epd (download videodisc with content)video hydrocon
- video ian_report
- video ipn_news
- video mfs
- video plasmagun
- video recycling
- video soulcube
- video tablets
In the Lost Missions campaign, before going down the stairs on the second floor with the pillar on each side to fight the final Boss, turn left, and go to the wall. There will be a cubed area of the wall you can go behind, where you will find the RAGE logo. Interact with it to open a secret room containing extra ammunition and armor. You will also get the 'RAGE' achievement.
Steam achievementsSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
How To Mod Doom 3
- 2 Deaths - 1 Gun: Kill two enemies in the same room with a rocket in DOOM 3 Multiplayer.
- All of Us: Find the id logo secret room in DOOM 3.
- Berserked!: Use Berserk to kill a player in DOOM 3 Multiplayer.
- Big Boy: Defeat Cyberdemon boss in DOOM 3.
- Boomtastic: Blow up 50 barrels in the DOOM 3, RoE, or Lost Mission campaigns.
- Bot Buddy: Keep a Sentry Bot alive to its destination in DOOM 3, RoE, or Lost Mission (except Mars City).
- Clean Sheet: Complete a DOOM 3 Multiplayer match without dying.
- Cookie Stealer: Defeat Guardian boss in DOOM 3.
- Crushed!: Catch an enemy player in the Reactor of Frag Chamber in DOOM 3 Multiplayer.
- DOOM II: A Really Big Gun: Find a BFG in DOOM II single player.
- DOOM II: An Important Looking Door: Find a secret area of a DOOM II level in single player.
- DOOM II: And Back Again: Complete all levels in 'DOOM II: No Rest for the Living' in single player.
- DOOM II: Burning Out of Control: Complete any DOOM II level with 100% kills, items, and secrets in single player.
- DOOM II: From Earth to Hell: Complete all levels in 'DOOM II: Hell on Earth' in single player.
- DOOM II: Just Getting Started: Complete any DOOM II level in single player.
- DOOM II: Superior Firepower: Complete all 'DOOM II: Hell on Earth' levels on 'Ultra-Violence' or higher in single player.
- DOOM: Burning Out of Control: Complete any DOOM level with 100% kills, items, and secrets in single player.
- DOOM: Episode 1: Complete DOOM Episode 1 on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher in single player.
- DOOM: Episode 2: Complete DOOM Episode 2 on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher in single player.
- DOOM: Episode 3: Complete DOOM Episode 3 on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher in single player.
- DOOM: Episode 4: Complete DOOM Episode 4 on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher in single player.
- DOOM: Nightmare: Complete any DOOM level on 'Nightmare' in single player.
- DOOM: Rampage: Complete all DOOM levels on 'Ultra-Violence' or higher in single player.
- DOOMed Collector: Collect every PDA in DOOM 3.
- DOOMed Marine: Complete the DOOM 3 single player campaign on Marine.
- DOOMed Nightmare: Complete the DOOM 3 single player campaign on Nightmare.
- DOOMed Recruit: Complete the DOOM 3 single player campaign on Recruit.
- DOOMed Veteran: Complete the DOOM 3 single player campaign on Veteran.
- Double the Fun!: Kill 2 Imps with one shotgun blast in DOOM 3, RoE, or Lost Mission.
- Eat This!: Defeat the Maledict boss in RoE.
- Evil Collector: Collect every PDA in the RoE campaign.
- Evil Marine: Complete the RoE campaign on Marine.
- Evil Nightmare: Complete the RoE campaign on Nightmare.
- Evil Recruit: Complete the RoE campaign on Recruit.
- Evil Veteran: Complete the RoE campaign on Veteran.
- Fists of Fury: Use the Artifact with Berserk ability to punch out 20 enemies in RoE.
- Gimme Power!: Defeat the Berserk Hunter in RoE.
- Gimme Time!: Defeat the Helltime Hunter in RoE.
- Goody Finder: Open all storage lockers in DOOM 3.
- I Like to Watch: Find all video logs in DOOM 3.
- Killing time: Score 25000 on Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 in DOOM 3 or RoE.
- Lost Collector: Collect every PDA in the Lost Mission campaign.
- Lost Marine: Complete the Lost Mission campaign on Marine.
- Lost Nightmare: Complete the Lost Mission campaign on Nightmare.
- Lost Recruit: Complete the Lost Mission campaign on Recruit.
- Lost Veteran: Complete the Lost Mission campaign on Veteran.
- Neophyte: Complete any level in Ultimate DOOM in singleplayer.
- Ninja Killer: Kill 5 enemy players while using Invisibility in DOOM 3 Multiplayer.
- Not a Scratch: Complete a level without taking any damage in DOOM 3, RoE, or Lost Mission (except Mars City).
- Play Catch: Kill 20 enemies with projectiles launched from the Grabber in RoE.
- RAGE: Find the RAGE logo in the Lost Mission.
- Ready for Action!: Get the BFG-9000 from Security Chief's office in DOOM 3.
- Ripped!: Use the chainsaw to kill 20 enemies in DOOM 3.
- Shocking!: Defeat the Invulnerability Hunter in RoE.
- Soulfood: Use the Soul Cube to defeat 20 enemies in DOOM 3.
- Speed Run: Complete the DOOM 3 single player campaign in 10 hours or less.
- Sticky Situation: Defeat the Vagary boss in DOOM 3.
- Telefragged!: Kill an enemy player by jumping into a teleporter after them in DOOM 3 Multiplayer.
- That was Close!: Kill an enemy with 1 health remaining in DOOM 3, RoE, or Lost Mission.
- To Be or Not to Be: Kill the scientist trapped next to the Reactor Control Room in DOOM 3.
- Too Slow, Fool!: Kill 5 enemies at once while in Hell Time in RoE.
- Turncoat: Get 2 demons to fight each other in DOOM 3, RoE, or Lost Mission.
- Unarmed Badass: Kill 20 enemies with the fists/melee hands in DOOM 3.
- You Laugh, It Works: Find the bloody handiwork of Betruger (in Delta 4 Hallway) in DOOM 3.
- You're Not My Boss!: Defeat Sabaoth boss in DOOM 3.