Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Notification

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Active3 years ago

ProblemI have a build definition existing in TFS (which i cannot change). I am automating our File gathering process, in which i need to execute this build definition, get the drop location and copy those output to desired location.

I am integrating my automated robot framework selenium test with TFS server. Where on any changes on TFS build, should trigger these suite. I have created sample script and batch file to execute t. Stack Overflow. Log In Sign Up; current community. Windows command prompt not launching on executing batch file TFS (after build event) Ask. I run into a situation which needed to run a batch file from TFS Build. One Thought on “ How to Call a batch file from TFS2013 Build? ” Danush Kodithuwakku / March 13, 2017 at 4:32 pm. Subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email * Contributions. Open Source Projects. Executing post build batch file after tests complete successfully in TFS Build. Up vote 1 down vote favorite. We use TFS to build our project. When the last projects completes a successful build, we use the post build event for that project to run a batch file. If you were using TFS 2013 the new TfvcTemplate.12.xaml includes the ability. Aug 09, 2011  Thanks for the reply.I tried to run the batch file using InvokeProcess but it was unsuccess. My Requirment is I have a batch file in sourceDirectory and when I call that batch file it should generate a sql script. So, I have made the InvokeProcess as below. File Name: SourcesDirectory + ' FXRates Build QBE.FxRates.DB BuildUtils Test.bat'. Run a bat file on Visual Studio build event. Rate this: Please Sign up or sign in to vote. See more: C#. Hi all, I want to run a bat file on my project build. So I set the pre-build event command line as follows. $(ProjectDir) build.bat. If I double click on my bat file it is successfully compiled and create the chm file. Team Foundation Server - Build and release management. Some other build dependency files (in another location of the TFS project) and must do this via a Powershell or Batch script specified as the value for the Pre-build script path under the Process tab.

Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Notification

Solution: We already have a batch file which does file copy operations. So i am trying to integrate everything in it.I started the build using TFSBuild.exe (Command line tool). Provided server path, build definition name. Build completed successfully.

My problem is i am not able to get the name of the folder (or any build completion details) where the currently executed build definition has dropped the output to append to drop location.I want to fetch the value of Drop folder after build completion.

(If there is any better/simpler method, it would be helpful)

Thanks in advance.


3 Answers

You can specify the droplocation as a part of queuing the build using TFSBuild.exe. 'TFSBuild.exe help start' on the command line should help you with that.


On a side note, if you are still using batch file to copy files from drop location to somewhere else for packaging then the process is not automated at all in my opinion. Customize your build process, use WIX to package the code. Right after the source code compilation is over you can kick off the WIX package and the final output of your build would be an MSI for deployment!


If at all I have understood your problem, $env:BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY should help you!Thanks for posting this question!

Shadja ChaudhariShadja Chaudhari

Looking at all the inputs and comments over the internet, there seems to be no way to extract the Updated Build number/name/ drop folder name from TFSBuild.exe.

So, i have managed a Workaorund. (Bit tedious, but works)

Push all the output of TFSBuild.exe command to a txt file.

TFSBuild.exe start 'TFS Server Path' >> 'SOME TXT FILE'

Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Notifications

Parse the txt file and extract the line containing value 'Updated Build number:' and get the output folder name.

As i know the Drop location where all the builds are dropped, append the foldername and get the files.

Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Notification System Tray


Write Batch File Execute Commands

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