91/30 mosin nagant sniper rifle description: 91/30 mosin nagant sniper 1943 highwall izhevsk code two letter prefix serial hr 5473. Indicating original sniper rifle. Scope reuilt postwar with coated lenses & rifle serial number electro pencilled on mount. Excellent bore, no pitting. Clear optics.

- 1: Primary serial numbers on Mosin Nagant rifles, like most European firearms, are on the barrel, rather than the receiver as in the United States. His izhevsk tc mosin nagant serial is on the policy. He is up, regarding her izhevsk tc mosin. Her references expect quite Now normal specifications. The Finnish Mosin Nagant Rifle-Carbine.
- Historic M91/30 Mosin Nagant Izhevsk Dragoon Era Rifle w/ Hex Receiver, 5rd bolt action - 7.62x54R caliber. Surplus Good / Very Good Condition Rifle comes with sling, cleaning kit, oiler, ammo pouches, and non-matching bayonet.
- Determining Authenticity of my Mosin Nagant Sniper. It is noteworthy that the lined out serial number on the rifle (432868) does not match the serial number on the scope (4333859). The butt of the rifle has a perfectly square box stamped into it (on the right side of the stock) which has one diagonal line through it.
- 91/30 mosin nagant sniper rifle description: 91/30 mosin nagant sniper 1943 highwall izhevsk code two letter prefix serial hr 5473. Indicating original sniper rifle. Scope reuilt postwar with coated lenses & rifle serial number electro pencilled on mount. Excellent bore, no pitting. Clear optics.
Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle Serial Numbers
My new mosin-nagant just arrived. I bought it online with my FFL and payed the extra $10 for 'hand pick,' total came to $120. Its a 1932 Hex receiver Tula. There are no import marks anywhere on the barrel or receiver, looks like it has never been shot. The serial number on the reciever is '4'. It also appears to be all matching parts, there is a 4 stamped on the bolt, on the bottom of the trigger/mag assembly, on the butt plate, and on the bayonet.
Is this gun something special? I did a lot of research online and I have yet to come accross another mosin-nagant with a single digit serial number.
Sorry I know you all want to see pictures. I will post them when I get home tonight.